SUBLEQ with wAx

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Vic 20 Scientist
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SUBLEQ with wAx

Post by chysn »

And now for something really esoteric! I don't know if any of you has interest in esoteric programming languages, but you might have fun with this concept, as an introduction.

My son made this video about a theoretical One-Instruction Set Computer architecture called SUBLEQ. I'll let him describe the theory and this specific implementation. Then come back here when you're done...

The single instruction for SUBLEQ is:

Code: Select all

subleq a,b,c
Which means, subtract a from b, store b, and branch to c if b is less than or equal to zero. This single instruction is a Turing-complete programming language.

In 6502 assembly, this instruction can be synthesized as follows:

Code: Select all

i0:  lda b
     sbc a
     sta b
     bcc br
     bne i1
br:  jmp c
i1:  etc...
You can write any program you want to with this pattern of code, over and over again, with the right operands. Here's a simple example for adding two numbers, taken from the Wikipedia article on OISCs. This adds the numbers in addresses a and b, and stores the result in b:

Code: Select all

subleq a, Z
subleq Z, b
subleq Z, Z
(Note: It's a common SUBLEQ convention that when c is omitted, it's implicitly the next instruction. Keep that in mind when you look at the code on the VIC below)

This evening, after watching my son's video, I wrote a SUBLEQ compiler for the VIC-20 as a wAx plug-in. The syntax for a SUBLEQ instruction in this system is

Code: Select all

'addr aaaa bbbb cccc
Where addr is the instruction address, and aaaa, bbbb, and cccc are the addresses of a, b, and c.

Here's the data setup, code, run, and result check of the addition program:
And here's the disassembly of the SUBLEQ addition program in 6502:
Here's the wAx plug-in code:

Code: Select all

; SUBLEQ compiler plug-in for wAx
; 'addr aaaa bbbb cccc
; Where addr is the compile target address
;       aaaa is the address of A
;       bbbb is the address of B
;       cccc is the address of C
;     Subtract A from B
;     Store result in B
;     Branch if B is less than or equal to zero
; References:
;    #Subtract_and_branch_if_less_than_or_equal_to_zero

; wAx API used in this plug-in
EFADDR      = $a6               ; effective address
X_PC        = $03               ; External persistent counter
Buff2Byte   = $7000             ; Get 8-bit hex number from input buffer to A
CharOut     = $7006             ; Write character in A to output buffer
IncPC       = $700f             ; Increment persistent counter
ResetOut    = $701b             ; Reset output buffer index
EAtoPC      = $7024             ; Copy effective address to persistent counter
ShowPC      = $7021             ; Write persistent counter to output buffer
Store       = $0247             ; Plug-in storage (8 bytes)
OUTBUFFER   = $0218             ; Output buffer (24 bytes)

* = $033c

Main:       bcc subleq_r
            ldy #$00
-loop:      jsr EAtoPC
            jsr Buff2Byte       ; Get six hex bytes: aaaa bbbb cccc
            bcc add_rts
            sta Store,y
            cpy #$06
            bne loop
            ldy #$00
-loop:      lda SubleqCode,y
            cmp #$f0            ; Bytes of $f0 and up are interpolated
            bcc go_on
            and #$0f            ; Put the index of the SUBLEQ operand
            tax                 ;   pointer in X
            lda Store,x         ; Get the data for the SUBLEQ instruction
go_on:      sta (EFADDR),y      ; Store the instruction in memory
            iny                 ; Get the next instruction from the table
            cpy #$11            ;   until done
            bne loop            ;   ,,
; After the SUBLEQ code is generated, show a prompt for the next instruction
            jsr EAtoPC          ; Update persistent counter
            tya                 ; $11
            clc                 ; Add 17 to PC for next address prompt
            adc X_PC            ; ,,
            sta X_PC            ; ,,
            bcc prompt          ; ,,
            inc X_PC+1          ; ,,
prompt:     jsr ResetOut        ; Reset output buffer
            lda #"'"            ; Show the plug-in character
            jsr CharOut         ; ,,
            jsr ShowPC          ; Show the next address
            lda #" "            ; Then a space
            jsr CharOut         ; ,,
            ldy #$00            ; Transfer everything to the keyboard
-loop:      lda OUTBUFFER,y     ;   buffer
            sta $0277,y         ;   ,,
            iny                 ;   ,,
            cpy #$06            ;   ,, (6 characters = "'addr ")
            bne loop            ;   ,,
            sty $ad             ; Store prompt in keyboard buffer
add_rts:    ldy #$00            ; Add an RTS if the next instruction isn't
            lda (X_PC),y        ;   LDA. If the next instruction IS LDA,
            cmp #$c8            ;   then this compiler assumes that the
            beq subleq_r        ;   current session is a patch of existing
            lda #$60            ;   code, and leaves the LDA alone
            sta (X_PC),y        ; Add RTS to end of program
            jsr IncPC           ; Increment counter
subleq_r:   rts
; This is the 6502 representation of a SUBLEQ instruction
; Bytes with high nybble $f are interpolated using the low
; nybble as the index to Store, with
;    $f1,$f0 = A
;    $f3,$f2 = B
;    $f5,$f4 = C
SubleqCode: .byte $ad,$f3,$f2   ; i0  lda b
            .byte $38           ;     sec
            .byte $ed,$f1,$f0   ;     sbc a
            .byte $8d,$f3,$f2   ;     sta b
            .byte $90,$02       ;     bcc br
            .byte $d0,$03       ;     bne i1
            .byte $4c,$f5,$f4   ; br  jmp c
VIC-20 Projects: wAx Assembler, TRBo: Turtle RescueBot, Helix Colony, Sub Med, Trolley Problem, Dungeon of Dance, ZEPTOPOLIS, MIDI KERNAL, The Archivist, Ed for Prophet-5

WIP: MIDIcast BASIC extension

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Vic 20 Scientist
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Re: SUBLEQ with wAx

Post by Kweepa »

The video did a good job of explaining it, so congrats to your spawn.
Looks like you need a subleq optimizer!
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Vic 20 Scientist
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Re: SUBLEQ with wAx

Post by chysn »

Kweepa wrote: Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:10 pm The video did a good job of explaining it, so congrats to your spawn.
I'm proud of him. He's starting at the University of Michigan School of Engineering in a couple weeks. He's so much smarter than me.
Looks like you need a subleq optimizer!
I considered that, and it wouldn't be difficult.The problem is that any changes would be really tricky to deal with, so it's best to just keep each "instruction" the same size.
VIC-20 Projects: wAx Assembler, TRBo: Turtle RescueBot, Helix Colony, Sub Med, Trolley Problem, Dungeon of Dance, ZEPTOPOLIS, MIDI KERNAL, The Archivist, Ed for Prophet-5

WIP: MIDIcast BASIC extension

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