Bunny Basic example program

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Vic 20 Dabbler
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Bunny Basic example program

Post by aeb »

Bunny Basic is a fast, very limited, integer-only basic interpreter. It's partially compatible with CBM BASIC V2, so the code should look immediately familiar and you can also "slow-run" most Bunny Basic programs in CBM BASIC V2.

There's some additional features in Bunny Basic though, such as GOTO statement accepts a variable:

Or using variables A, X, Y as input to KERNAL routines, and similarly reading the returning register values from A, X, Y variables as well (KERNAL GETIN in this example):

It's possible to mix Bunny Basic and CBM BASIC V2 and for example write fast subroutines or the main game loop in Bunny Basic. Or use CBM BASIC V2 to set up user-defined characters from DATA statements, as done in this programming example.

Here's an example program with full comments, a simple worm game with a twist. This is for unexpanded VIC 20, but there's also a Bunny Basic version available for VIC 20 with expansion memory and Commodore 64. Links after the program listing.

Code: Select all

Kakamato (Bunny Basic example program for unexpanded VIC 20)

Load Bunny Basic interpreter first:


Then load Kakamato and start with a RUN.

****  Program starts in slow CBM BASIC mode and calls a graphics init subroutine
****  then jumps to Bunny Basic code starting on line 2

    1 gosub1000:sys6144,2:end

****  Bunny Basic code starts. CLR clears all Bunny Basic variables A-Z (otherwise
****  they're in last/unknown state). Draw screen and init game variables subroutine called

    2 clr
    3 gosub650

****  Start of main loop. Stop beep sound. Calculate frame speed, wait 'A' frames
****  GOSUB500 stores current head location in tail buffer at 7552-7679

   10 a=u/2:gosub500:poke36874,0
   11 poke37166,64:wait36868,128,128:wait36868,128:poke37166,192:a=a-1:ifa>0thengoto11

****  KERNAL GETIN called. Returns 6502 accumulator value in 'A'
****  Note: SYS always reads and changes Bunny Basic variables A, X, Y
****  WASD keys checked. GOSUB600 checks immediate crash in new direction

   12 sys65508:ifa=87theno=-22:gosub600
   13 ifa=65theno=-1:gosub600
   14 ifa=68theno=1:gosub600
   15 ifa=83theno=22:gosub600

****  Draw head at new location, GOSUB520 clears last step of tail. GOSUB915 if we
****  get an apple. After that any other but reverse-space-char (160) is a crash (800)
****  Play a short beep with frequency from worm speed, then go to start of main loop
   16 c=w+z:pokew,43:pokec,5:w=w+l:a=peek(w):c=w+z:pokew,42:pokec,1:gosub520
   17 ifa=41thengosub915:goto10
   18 ifa<160thengoto800
   20 a=240-u:poke36874,a:goto10

****  Subroutine: Store worm location in tail ring buffer at 7552-7679

  500 e=w/256:f=wand255:g=g+2:ifg=7680theng=7552
  510 pokeg,f:g=g+1:pokeg,e:g=g-1:return

****  Subroutine: Clear one step of worm tail at length Q

  520 h=g-q:ifh<7552thenh=h+128
  530 f=peek(h):h=h+1:e=peek(h):e=e*256:f=f+e:e=peek(f):ife=43thenpokef,160
  540 return

****  Subroutine: After WASD key press, check for immediate crash in that direction.
****  Only allow turning into apples (41) and reverse-space-char (160), otherwise clear
****  keyboard buffer to prevent multiple illegal moves building up at slower speeds

  600 v=w+o:d=peek(v):ifd=160thenl=o:return
  601 ifd=41thenl=o:return
  602 poke198,0:return

****  Subroutine: Draw screen and initialize game variables
****  Variables: W = worm location, L = worm direction, Z = constant to reach Color RAM,
****  G = pointer to worm tail buffer, U = worm speed, Q = worm length, S = score

  650 poke36866,128:poke36867,0:poke36869,255:poke36879,10:print"{clr}{red}";:s=0:poke36878,15
  651 gosub900:gosub900:a=1
  652 gosub910:a=a+1:ifa<20thengoto652
  653 gosub900:gosub920:poke36867,44:poke36866,150
  655 w=7916:l=-1:z=30720:u=18:q=20:c=w+z:pokew,42:pokec,1
  656 g=7680
  657 g=g-1:pokeg,0:ifg>7552thengoto657
  660 print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rvon}{wht}k{yel}a{wht}k{yel}a{wht}m{yel}a{wht}t{yel}o{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}";:gosub700:poke198,0:wait198,1
  666 print"        ":return

****  Subroutine: Place an apple. Low 4 bits of timer low byte from 37140 used as 'random'

  700 r=peek(37140):r=rand15:a=7749+r:r=peek(37140):r=rand15:r=r*22:a=a+r
  705 b=peek(a):ifb<>160thengoto700
  710 c=a+z:pokec,7:pokea,41:return

****  Crash. Flash head, roll in worm tail. Wait for a keypress and go to start

  800 a=peek(37140):pokec,a
  801 gosub520:ifq>0thenq=q-2:wait36868,128,128:wait36868,128:a=126+q:poke36877,a:goto800
  802 pokec,2
  810 poke198,0:wait198,1:goto3

****  Draw upper/lower wall (900), and side wall (910)

  900 print"{rvof}((((((((((((((((((((((";:return
  910 print"({rvon}                    {rvof}(";:return

****  Subroutine: Add 1 to score, play beep, excrement and slow down if maximum speed reached.
****  Add 1 step to worm length. Print out score (S) and best score (I)

  915 poke36874,240:s=s+1:ifs>itheni=s
  916 u=u-1:ifu=3thenu=10:gosub700:gosub520:c=f+z:pokec,2:pokef,44:poke36874,130
  917 gosub700
  918 ifq<126thenq=q+2
  920 print"{home}{rght}{rvon}{yel}score:{wht}";:prints;:print"{home}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{yel}best:{wht}";:printi;:return

****  This graphics init code is executed in slow CBM BASIC at first run. Bunny Basic doesn't support the instructions FOR, NEXT and DATA

 1000 fora=7488to7527:readb:pokea,b:next:return
 1010 data247,247,247,0,223,223,223,0
 1020 data12,16,110,255,254,254,255,110
 1030 data102,126,219,255,189,195,102,60
 1040 data24,28,63,255,255,252,56,24
 1050 data8,16,56,28,98,189,207,114

Download from Dropbox (Kakamato in examples folder):
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6khrwf1t0eex ... jIyVa?dl=0

Direct link to Bunny Basic manual:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9sp53b2kxlfio ... l.pdf?dl=0

More info about Bunny Basic in Announcements:
http://sleepingelephant.com/ipw-web/bul ... 56#p104463
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Vic 20 Dabbler
Posts: 76
Joined: Sat Jun 19, 2004 2:06 pm

Re: Bunny Basic example program

Post by aeb »

Another Bunny Basic example program, a simple breakout clone. Unexpanded VIC 20.

Code: Select all

Load Bunny Basic interpreter first:


Then load Breakdown and start with a RUN.

    1 sys6144,2:end
    2 clr:gosub900
    3 pokew,32:y=y+n:w=y*22:w=w+x:a=peek(w):ifa>32thengoto90
    4 w=w+m:x=x+m:a=peek(w):ifa>32thengoto95
    5 ify>21thengoto200
    6 ify=21thenpoke36876,192
    7 ifx<7681thenm=1:x=7680:poke36876,128
    8 ifx>7700thenm=-1:x=7701:poke36876,144
    9 w=y*22:w=w+x:pokew,81:a=w+e:pokea,1
   10 c=b/2:c=c+8163:d=band1:ifd=1thengoto13
   11 pokec,32:c=c+1:pokec,z:c=c+1:pokec,z:c=c+1:pokec,z:c=c+1:pokec,z:c=c+1:goto15
   13 pokec,32:c=c+1:pokec,225:c=c+1:pokec,z:c=c+1:pokec,z:c=c+1:pokec,z:c=c+1:pokec,97
   14 c=c+1
   15 pokec,32:wait36868,128:poke36876,0:a=peek(203):ifa=29thenifb>0thenb=b-1
   16 ifa=37thenifb<36thenb=b+1
   17 r=r-1:ifr=0thenr=s:goto3
   18 ift=0thengosub800
   19 goto10
   80 t=t-1:pokew,32:poked,32:d=d+e:a=peek(d):a=aand7:a=a+2:ifa<sthens=a
   81 a=10-a:p=p+a
   82 print"{home}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}";:printp;:poke36876,160:return
   90 ifa=250thend=w-1:gosub80
   91 ifa=204thend=w+1:gosub80
   92 n=-n:y=y+n:y=y+n:x=x+m:w=y*22:w=w+x:a=peek(w):ifa>32thenm=-m:x=x+m:x=x+m
   93 goto5
   95 ifa=250thend=w-1:gosub80
   96 ifa=204thend=w+1:gosub80
   99 n=-n:m=-m:y=y+n:y=y+n:x=x+m:x=x+m:goto5
  200 a=255:pokew,81
  201 poke36877,a:a=a-1:ifa>126thengoto201
  202 pokew,32:u=u-1:print"{home}{down}{left}{left}";:printu;:x=7698:y=11:m=-1:n=1:r=100:s=s+2:ifu>0thengoto3
  203 print"{wht}     balls gone     ":poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:goto2
  800 pokew,32:print"{home}{down}{down}{down}{down}";:c=1:poke36876,0:a=100*u:p=p+a:goto902
  900 poke36879,11:poke36878,9:b=18:z=160:c=1:u=5:e=30720:s=9:p=0
  901 print"{clr}{rvon}{cyn}score:        balls: 5                      {down}{down}";
  902 poke646,c:print"{rvon}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}L{SHIFT-@}{cyn}";:c=c+1:ifc<8thengoto902
  903 x=7698:y=11:m=-1:n=1
  904 t=77:w=y*22:w=w+x:r=50:goto82
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