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Meteors20: one more BASIC 10-liner (PUR-80)

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:29 am
by Linzino
Meteors20: BASIC 10-liner (PUR-80)
One more BASIC 10-liner in plain BASIC V2 with no more than 80 characters per line

This game uses the same BASIC trick (not mine) as the one I used in MiniMans20

This is an original action game. You must avoid the falling meteors "*".
You can activate a BARRIER (press SPACE) to destroy the all objects next to you.
You have a limited number of barriers (max 9).

As you advance the number of meteors increases.

3 types of bonus items fall and catching them provides extra points.

If you reach the next 1000 points, you are awared:
- an extra life (up to max 9 lives) and
- max barriers (back to 9)

- Points increase automaticaly as you progress: 1 point at each step
- (Common) item yellow "$": 20 points
- (Less common) item cyan "diamand": 50 points
- (Rare) item red "clubs": 100 points

Use: J (left), L (right) to move
Use: SPACE BAR to activate the barrier

On the top line, the game shows the following status line:
no. of lives (red), no. of barriers (purple), points (white), high score (white), current level (green)
