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Need Help with "Campi di Forza" (PaperSoft)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:12 am
by Vicman *1970
Hi Guys,
i don't understand where do i have to stand exactly, to catch the enemys with the force field....
maybe someone can show me by a screenshot , where the top left corner is... :roll: ... bJgkPgUd5I

Campi di Forza : ... 565#p44565
instructions : ... _instr.jpg

campi di forza

i tunnel sono quattro, orientati verso i quattro punti cardinali
generando un campo di forza presso l'angolo superiore sinistro del l'uscita di

un tunnel contenente un nemico, ne provochi la distruzione.
in tal caso guadagni 20 punti.
se piazzi il campo all'uscita del tunnel sbagliato perdi 20 unita di energia.
hai otto vite
ne perdi una ogni volta che una nave aliena riesce ad uscire dai tunnel, oppure

se cerchi di piazzare un campo in qualsiasi posto che non sia l'angolo superiore

sinistro dell'uscita di un tunnel, oppure infine se resti senza energia.
il tuo movimento avviene in diagonale, usando i tasti specificati nelle

istruzioni contenute nel programma.
Google translation : English

force fields
tunnels are four, oriented towards the four cardinal points
generating a force field at the upper left corner of the exit of a tunnel

containing an enemy, it causes destruction.
in such case you gain 20 points.
if you place the field after the tunnel wrong you lose 20 units of energy.
You have eight lives
you lose one each time an alien ship able to leave the tunnel, or if you try to

place a field anywhere other than the top left corner of the exit of a tunnel,

or finally, if left without energy.
Your movement is diagonal, using the keys specified in the instructions

contained in the program.
where do i have to stand correctly, to catch the enemy with the force field ?

Where is upper left corner (exit) exactly ???

Re: Need Help with "Campi di Forza" (PaperSoft)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:22 am
by highinfidelity
This looks like a textbook case of a game in which the instructions are way more fancy and imaginative than the game itself.
Sorry but I can't help. The automatic english translation is quite allright so I'm sure you got what you have to do. But, in turn, I'm also having a hard time figuring how you can place anything on the "left upper" corner of a tunnel with a ship that's moving so grossly over the screen.

Perhaps Orion70 will come up with something.

Re: Need Help with "Campi di Forza" (PaperSoft)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:58 am
by orion70
Orion is just as perplexed as you are :)
This is one several games which were typed in, roughly checked, and published, without really testing them. Sometimes it went good, sometimes bugs and flaws weren't even noticed. This is also the case of the bug in "Caduta Libera".

I'm sorry I'm too busy with Real Life(TM) to cope with these issues. I'd take a look myself by all means, but I really have to pass the buck to someone else. Sorry Vicman.

Re: Need Help with "Campi di Forza" (PaperSoft)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:48 am
by Vicman *1970
ok, thanks for replys.
@Orion : no problem. Real Life comes first.
Maybe someone else can take a look on both. :wink:

Re: Need Help with "Campi di Forza" (PaperSoft)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:26 am
by orion70
I have some spare time today... Got it :)
The right position for each big square (i.e., tunnel exit) is with your right wing next to the upper left corner of it.
You can see the correct orientation in the following screenshot, depicting a force field destroying the incoming alien:


Also, you'll probably want to redefine keys (lines 67-70), alter coordinates for each upper left corner (lines 1010-1040), or go with plain cheating :P (line 165 for immortality).

Re: Need Help with "Campi di Forza" (PaperSoft)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:06 pm
by Vicman *1970
Great ! , Thank you Orion 8)