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The first game you ever played

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:28 am
by Jeff-20
The first video game I can recall playing was

either Space Invaders or Night Driver (arcade)

Combat (Atari 2600)

VIC 20:
Gridrunner was first VIC experience.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 2:46 am
by orion70
Qix (1981, summer holyday at the seaside with parents)

Pong (later that year, at friend's home)

VIC 20:
Air attack (Italian cassette game, 1982)

I brought the tape at school, where we had a VIC, and played the game with schoolmates :) .

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:21 pm
by rhurst
First ever: early 1970s, a mechanical racing car game at the local drive-in theater. Player's car was a decal that could move left and right by spinning real car wheel, while the opposition cars came down on two rolls (lanes) of cellophane that were backlit. The rolls scrolled faster from the gas pedal. It had a pinball machine mechanical scoring system.

First "video game" ever: A Magnavox Odyssey (pong, hockey, and shooting), very cool "toy" back around the mid-1970s.

Atari 2600: Combat, 1978

VIC 20: Omega Race, 1982

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:41 am
by Vic20-Ian
First Video Game was a Redifusion or Radofin Pong 10 sport multiplayer TV Game.

First Arcade Game - watching someone play invaders and asking "do the bullets still kill you if you have killed the invader. "

Quickly followed by more memorable pestering mum at the swimming pool for 10 to play Galaxians, probably one of the best shooters ever.

Then Space Firebird with it's quirky movement of twitchy birds.

First VCS / 2600 (a friend had one) - Combat - amazing variety on one cart.

First Vic20 - Race, Hoppit, Type a Tune, Blitz!

Happy Days and all still extremely playable today. I can't say that about many PS3 games I buy and play.

At 41 has my just one more go factor disappeared or is it the loss of pick up and play games with simple rules and increasing difficulty.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:10 am
by English Invader
First Game

Blitz on the Commodore Vic-20. My parents had a Vic when I was a young child and I have vague memories of the plane bombing the buildings and the little man getting out of the plane and waving at the end.

First Atari 2600 Game

When I was a bit older, my family got the 2600 at the very end of its commercial life with the 32-in-1 cartridge. The first game I remember is a Frogger clone with a chicken instead of a frog.

First Vic-20 Game

When I became reacquainted with the Vic a few years ago, the first game I played was Blitz via emulator and then moved on to other TAP files; some familiar from the past, some not familiar.

I also have a few memories of random arcade machines. Mostly from watching the screens and fiddling with the stick/buttons because I didn't have the money to play on them.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:36 am
by ral-clan
Either Space Invaders or Space War in the lobby of a K-Mart or movie theatre. Can't remember which was first.

Personal Computer:
Probably SPACE INVADERS for the PET computer at my school.

My cousin's Coleco PONG clone.

VIC Avenger at my friend's house.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:23 pm
by ravenxau
Arcade: Galaxian

Home: One of the early PONG clones

VIC 20: Rocket Command (from the manual)

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:55 pm
by 16KVIC20
I think the first home video game system I used was a friends Intellivision system. I remember a boxing game and a skiing game.

I think my first video game arcade style was Space Invaders. (I never really did arcades).

My first VIC 20 (and Home Computer Game) was Blitz, loaded from Race-Hoppit-Type a Tune-Blitz tape included in the starter pack in Jan 1983.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:02 pm
by Boray
Some underwater game where you hold a harpoon gun as the control I think.

Maybe Vicmen

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:23 am
by nbla000

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:33 pm
by Mike
Arcade: Galaxian

Home: Tomy 'Rambler' (a Scramble tabletop with VFD)

VIC 20: UFO (Commodore tape)

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:47 pm
by FD22
Arcade: Lunar Lander

Home: Combat (VCS)

VIC-20: Frogger (tape, Rabbit)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:04 am
by Bacon
First video game: Pong or Pong clone, probably late 70s.

First arcade game: Probably Night Driver, also most likely late 70s. Don't remember where.

First computer game: The first one that comes to mind is Blue Meanies on the VIC 20. Would have been late 1982 since we got our VIC in the second half of that year (not for Christmas as I have stated on this forum. My dad has corrected me on this one).

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:22 am
by RJBowman
First video game:
Don't know if it counts, but in the mid 1970's, there was a mechanical version of pong that was sold at Montgomery Ward, with a moving light that shined onto the back of a translucent plastic screen. The light moved back and forth between two tennis rackets silk-screened onto the screen, and if you didn't push the button at the precise moment, the ball stuck in your racket. I can't recall weather the machine kept score. It is possible that I might have played a real pong-style video game before encountering this mechanical game, but my memory is fuzzy in that regard.

First arcade game was probably some kind of pong derivative. I remember arcades where primitive black and white machines stood among the pinball and crane machines.

First computer game was the "little brick-out" game that Steve Wozniak programmed as an Apple-II demo, and which I played at a Junior High School computer seminar.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:47 am
by Mayhem
First video game: Binatone Pong clone

First arcade game: Galaxian

First computer game: Horace and the Spiders on the Speccy, or something similar. This is while we still had the 2600 and the kid two doors down had the Speccy.