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Help Redefining VIC-20 Character Set

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:21 pm
by saehn
Hi, I've done searches and can't find exactly what I need to know. I'm pretty new to the VIC, but I've done a little BASIC programming on the C64.

I want to redefine the entire VIC-20 character set, all 256 characters. I'm sure I'll need some memory expansion, right? I see how to redefine individual characters, but not sure about to set up an environment that would handle them all. I figured out how get my screen, border, character, and auxiliary colors in multicolor mode. I have one redefined character here in this example, with color variations.

Code: Select all

10 poke52,28:poke56,28:clr
20 fori=7168to7679:poke i,peek(i+25600): next
30 poke 36869,255
40 forc=7328to7335:reada:pokec,a:next
50 poke 36879,216:rem blk border & lt.grn bkgd
60 printchr$(147);
70 forg=0to7
80 print"tttttttt"
90 fort=0to8:poke38400+(22*g)+t,136+g:nextt:rem char colors
100 poke36878,175:rem auxiliary pink
110 nextg
1000 data 175,175,175,175,5,5,5,5
Basically, what I want to do is place these characters on the screen using a joystick. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:30 am
by carlsson
256 characters equals 2K of memory. It means it will be doable on an unexpanded machine, but only leave 1.5K left for your own programs.

Before we continue, do you want 256 individual custom characters (which can be repeated on screen) or are you trying to create a simulated bitmap screen?

Ideally you would move things around in memory so your character generator starts at 6144 ($1800) and the screen matrix already at 5632 ($1600).

10 poke56,22:poke648,22:clr
15 poke36869,208:print"{clr}"
20 fori=6144to8192:a=peek(i+26624)
25 pokei,(aor(a*2))and255:next
30 poke36869,222

This will work with +3K expansion too. If you're going to use +8K or more, you will want to shift things around so the character set starts at $1000, screen matrix at $1800 and Basic at $1A00 (or higher, if you also desire a larger screen than ~22x23 characters). In that case, you may need to have a loader part.

Before you ask: No, the VIC-20 can not utilize expansion memory for graphics. You may store graphics there, but move it to main memory ($0000-$03FF, $1000-$1FFF) before using it.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:29 pm
by saehn
Thanks Carlsson.

Yes, I'm trying to do a "low-res" bitmap screen using redefined characters. Ideally, it would have KoalaPad input, maybe a separate joystick version. Hitting the space bar would take the user to a menu screen where they could select colors or load/save files. Doesn't seem like 1.5k would be enough for all of that.

I'd certainly be willing to use 3k, 8k, or 16k expansion.

Thanks for the input!

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:31 pm
by saehn
P.S., having the completed images display on an unexpanded VIC would be ideal, for using it as a full-screen low-res bitmap mode for game intros, etc.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:15 pm
by Mike
saehn wrote:for using it as a full-screen [...] bitmap mode for game intros, etc.
Like in VICtoria Gold Edition? :wink:
... "low-res" ...
I'd like to know what's "low-res" about being able to change individual pixels (or twice-wide pixels in multi-colour). :?

Even though I had thought about writing an editor for MINIGRAFIK bitmap images, thus far I rather use MS Paint, and Irfanview (also for photos of my camera, etc.) to produce *.pgm files on the PC, and then convert them with a BASIC program using MINIGRAFIK commands:

Code: Select all

11 :
16 :
17 LF$=CHR$(10):NU$=CHR$(0):OPEN2,8,2,PF$+",S,R"
22 GETA$:IFA$=""THEN22
23 POKE36879,16*G+8+0:POKE36878,16*A:POKE646,8+1:@ON:@CLR
24 FORY=0TO191:FORX=0TO79
25 GET#2,A$:@C%(YAND3,(24*ASC(A$+NU$)+255)/510,XAND1),2*X,Y
27 GETA$:IFA$=""THEN27
29 :
30 LI$=""
34 :
35 DATA 2,2, 2,2, 3,2, 3,3, 3,3, 3,3, 3,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 1,1
36 DATA 2,2, 2,3, 2,3, 2,3, 3,3, 0,3, 0,3, 0,3, 0,0, 0,1, 0,1, 0,1, 1,1
37 DATA 2,2, 2,2, 2,3, 3,3, 3,3, 3,3, 0,3, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,1, 1,1, 1,1
38 DATA 2,2, 3,2, 3,2, 3,2, 3,3, 3,0, 3,0, 3,0, 0,0, 1,0, 1,0, 1,0, 1,1
39 :
The original image should be cropped to 1.4:1 ratio, then resized to 80x192, and finally converted to grey-scale. A similar program exists for converting monochrome bitmaps.

Here's an example:




Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:53 pm
by saehn
Mike wrote:Like in VICtoria Gold Edition? :wink:
Kind of. Explained below:
Mike wrote:I'd like to know what's "low-res" about being able to change individual pixels (or twice-wide pixels in multi-colour). :?
I'm visualizing each character as containing 4 chunky pixels. Each chunky pixel is two pixels wide and four tall. In the example below, there would be three active colors in the chunky pixel block.

00 00 | 11 11
00 00 | 11 11
00 00 | 11 11
00 00 | 11 11
10 10 | 01 01
10 10 | 01 01
10 10 | 01 01
10 10 | 01 01

There are exactly 256 permutations of this pattern, including all color combinations. By redefining the character set, keeping a "char-bitmap", and maintaining color info, an unexpanded VIC should be able to display full-screen full-color low-res graphics. One consistent @border, @screen, and @auxiliary color with one character color per block. Hopefully? ;-)

I can't seem to figure out your program, it's not working for me. The resulting graphic looks really great but I'm trying to come up with something for the unexpanded VIC.

Results like this. It's only four colors and not at the right ratio, but you can see what I mean. 44x46 effective resolution, and you can get some pretty good result I think. And this is without using any individual character colors. I think this chunky mode would be a good addition to unexpanded VIC games, and I'd love to work within this mode.


Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:34 pm
by Mike
saehn wrote:I'm visualizing each character as containing 4 chunky pixels. Each chunky pixel is two pixels wide and four tall.
This you mean. :idea:

Expanding on carlsson's program, you'd define the char-set as follows:

Code: Select all

10 poke55,0:poke56,22:poke648,22:clr 
15 poke36869,208:print"{clr}" 
20 fora=0to3:forb=0to3:forc=0to3:ford=0to3
25 ad=6144+8*(d*64+c*16+b*4+a)
30 b1=16*5*a+5*b
35 b2=16*5*c+5*d
40 fory=0to3:pokead+y,b1:pokead+y+4,b2:next
45 next:next:next:next
50 poke36869,222
Then you'd have the colours a,b,c, and d in the quadrant of each char as:

Code: Select all

with the character number:

Code: Select all

char := d*64+c*16+b*4+a
I can't seem to figure out your program, it's not working for me.
The program uses my MINIGRAFIK extension for CBM BASIC to create a 160x192 pixel screen. Its commands are prefaced with '@'.

Code: Select all

plots a single pixel at the co-ordinates (2*X,Y) (2*X to accommodate for the twice-wide multi-colour pixels), where the logical colour is taken from the array C%() in a fashion to produce an ordered dither pattern for different intensities.

These dither patterns are defined in the bottom DATA lines, and provide for 13 different intensities calculated from the original 256. White, and black are fixed; the intermediary two colours can use any combination of the 16 available physical colours.
The resulting graphic looks really great [...]
Me :D.
I think this chunky mode would be a good addition to unexpanded VIC games, and I'd love to work within this mode.

Is she Brooke Shields? :)



Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:49 pm
by saehn
Mike wrote:This you mean. :idea: ...
Mike wrote:The program uses my MINIGRAFIK extension for CBM BASIC to create a 160x192 pixel screen. Its commands are prefaced with '@'.
Thanks, I get it now. I just need to get that expansion and play around with it one day.
Mike wrote:Is she Brooke Shields? :)
No, it's my other wife, Jennifer Connelly. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:02 am
by saehn
Mike wrote:Expanding on carlsson's program, you'd define the char-set as follows:

Code: Select all

10 poke55,0:poke56,22:poke648,22:clr 
15 poke36869,208:print"{clr}" 
20 fora=0to3:forb=0to3:forc=0to3:ford=0to3
25 ad=6144+8*(d*64+c*16+b*4+a)
30 b1=16*5*a+5*b
35 b2=16*5*c+5*d
40 fory=0to3:pokead+y,b1:pokead+y+4,b2:next
45 next:next:next:next
50 poke36869,222
Sorry, Mike... I feel stupid for asking this, but now how do I access all of these new characters individually? They don't all appear when I display CHR$(0-255), so I'm guessing there's some other method? Screen codes? But, after running this program, the screen memory has been moved. POKE7680,x doesn't put a character at the top-left of the screen.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:51 pm
by Mike
Saehn wrote:How do I access all of these new characters individually? ... Screen codes?
Yes, you need the screen codes. With CHR$() alone you'd miss out the reverse characters, unless you'd also use {RVS ON} and {RVS OFF}.

And of course, you surely want to set a single chunky pixel in a char position, without disturbing the other three. This needs some more work: you first read out the old contents of the char position, alter only the relevant two bits, and then write it back.
But, after running this program, the screen memory has been moved. POKE7680,x doesn't put a character at the top-left of the screen.
The screen starts at 5632 ($1600), and colour RAM is still at 38400 ($9600).

These two lines clear the screen to black, and assign physical colours to the logical colours:

Code: Select all

55 poke36879,16*10+8+0:poke36878,16*2
60 fort=0to505:poke5632+t,85:poke38400+t,8+1:next
(1/exterior border colour=black, 3/auxiliary colour=red, 0/background=light red, 2/foreground=white)

The next lines draw a centered "circle" in all four colours, and then repeat:

Code: Select all

65 r1=12:r2=20
70 forc=0to3:forp=0to2*{PI}step.05
75 x=int(r1*cos(p)+22.5):y=int(r2*sin(p)+23.5)
80 gosub100
85 next:next
90 goto 70
95 :
(Small note of caution: line 70 contains a {PI} which won't come out correct, when using copy&paste in VICE. You'll have to correct it manually.)

And this sub-routine draws individual chunky pixels in logical colour C at (X,Y):

Code: Select all

100 ad=5632+22*int(y/2)+int(x/2)
105 m=3
110 if(xand1)=1thenm=m*4
115 if(yand1)=1thenm=m*16
120 pokead,(peek(ad)andnotm)or(c*85andm)
125 return


Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:03 pm
by saehn
Thanks so much Mike, that's a huge amount of detail and very helpful! I feel like I have a much better handle on all of this now.

Great little demo, too.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:04 pm
by Mike
saehn wrote:Thanks so much Mike, that's a huge amount of detail and very helpful! I feel like I have a much better handle on all of this now.
I'm very pleased to read that. :D
I just need to get that expansion and play around with it one day.
The VIC must be equipped with at least an 8K RAM expansion. Start MINIGRAFIK first, then run PGM IMPORT. At the prompt:

Code: Select all

TARGET? any name you wish
COLOUR 1? 2 (instead of 8)
COLOUR 2? 10 (instead of 9)
When the header has been checked, the program waits for a key. Then the *.pgm file is converted. This takes a few minutes (feel free to set 'No speed limit' with VICE ;) ). After another key press, the program saves the screen in MG format.

This file can be used in two ways: Either MINIGRAFIK is loaded. Then you can load the image within a program, with @LOAD, and continue processing. Or MINIGRAFIK is not loaded (or it isn't available). In that case you can simply LOAD the file (',8', not ',8,1'), RUN it, and then the image is displayed. A stand-alone display routine is built-in. After a keypress the VIC resets.

