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EEPROM Programmer V2.0 (for real)

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:58 pm
by dracosilv
I was finally able to get around to re-create my EEPROM programming cart:

Tell me what you think!

Questions/comments welcome!

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:37 pm
by Richard James
What does it do? You say it is a "EEPROM programming cart" does that mean the VIC20 is programming the EEPROM or it accepts EEPROMS that have been programmed by a PC?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:02 pm
by dracosilv
What I mean by 'EEPROM programming cart' is that the VIC-20 can write the EEPROM (5v VPP PARALLEL EEPROMs only), or, with a small adapter (for slightly different pinouts of RAM/ROM chips) i could read other chips and/or test a SRAM.

In a nutshell the chip is acting as a bit of RAM (or ROM) in the /BLK5 area.

I think, in the future, I will add some other pieces of cabling/adapters to allow me to change what block it's set up as and maybe even a simple mod to allow me to 'write protect' an EEPROM chip I'm working on filling with routines/data.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:26 pm
by Leeeeee
IF you try to program EE or flash devices using BASIC there is a gotcha about POKE that you need to be aware of.

See here.


Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:13 am
by dracosilv
I assume that the following code doesnt' have the same problem?

Code: Select all

LDA $1000,X
STA $A000,X
LDA $1100,X
STA $A100,X

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:01 am
by Leeeeee
That should be ok.

Absolute indexed addressing is ok as long as there is no page crossing so any LDA/STA $xx00 will be fine. However if the page boundary is crossed there will be a spurious read at the final address - $0100 for both LDA and STA.


Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:54 pm
by dano
I'd be interested in one if it came with some a software package and was useful without too much hacking :)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:55 pm
by dracosilv
Well, what would you like in a software package?

/me might try creating software for the chip. (Not a guarentee, but it would be something I could work towards creating for my adapter.)

Also, it doesn't really require all that much 'hacking'. the main 'hacking' that would be needed would be the addition of:

The R/W line,
1 inverter (7400) so that the /OE (Output Enable) line is inverse of the /WE (Write Enable) line,
and the re-ordering of the 23XX style pinout to the 27/28XX style.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:27 am
by dano
Hmm, good question. I guess I see two uses for such a thing. One is something similar to an EPROM programmer, where I could load a .hex or .bin file from disk, write to EEPROM, verify, and then use that chip on another platform, project, whatever. The other, is just a programmable cartridge, where I could download a ROM dump of a game or any program that can run from ROM, and write it to EEPROM. Something similar to this:

I guess by "hacking" I ment that I'd like to avoid writing my own code to program the EEPROM, at least initally :) I would *love* to make my own Disk Menu V23 cartridge, for example.