Jiffy-Dos Kernal for the VIC/VC-20

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Jiffy-Dos Kernal for the VIC/VC-20

Post by VC-20 »

Hi there,

is there a possibility to make a kernal for the VIC/VC-20 with an integrated Fastloader ???


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Re: Jiffy-Dos Kernal for the VIC/VC-20

Post by ruud »

Hallo VC-20

> is there a possibility to make a kernal for the VIC/VC-20 with an
> integrated Fastloader ???

The answer is: of course!

The right question is: who volunteers to disassemble the Jiffy-DOS and to put the result into the VIC-20 Kernal?

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  / /  |_/     Met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen
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   \___|       URL: www.baltissen.org

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