6561 Initialisation

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Post by Mike »

FD22 wrote:I'd say it was more akin to TBC than Quetzalcoatl, since it's not intended to do cross-compilation
CurtisP's TCB also isn't hosted on the VIC-20, it's a cross-compiler as well.
the language design is already far enough along to support [...]
Oh my goodness, you're hauling out the big guns here!

You can design a language as you want, whether a 6502 + 64K RAM/ROM + I/O are a feasible platform to implement it, is truly another matter. I doubt you had that specification in mind in those days when you dreamt up your 'perfect' computer.

As far as the current state of implementation is concerned, I don't see much more than a memory test (do you test the correct function of all address lines, for example?) and whatever might go beyond that is at best hard to judge for me - given that you didn't publish/release much VIC-20 related software or hardware since you registered here in Denial.

In any case, you went public with your ideas, and maybe the best chances to realise your dream in some way could be to turn it into a community project, even if the result might turn out slightly different from what you originally thought.


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Post by FD22 »

Well, you have me at a disadvantage - I'm not familiar with either TBC or Quetzalcoatl, and haven't studied either more deeply than a quick look at the links you posted. I guess my point applies to both, if they're both cross-compilers; the VIC++ language will dynamically compile in-situ, rather than from another host to the target.

I kind of bristled at the implication that I was talking out of my hat when I mentioned the language concept - so, yeah, big guns fired. The language actually came first, as it's something I've been working on (on paper) for a long time and then only recently decided that to make it work as designed I'd need to re-jig a whole bunch of BASIC logic, and that would need a goodly amount of KERNAL changes too. So the language project amalgamated with the homebrew hardware project to kill two birds with one stone. None of this compares in the slightest with any ideas I had 30 years ago - those were fantasy concepts without the foundation of hard-earned practical, professional experience to back them up.

And yes, the work is in the early stages of realisation, so I'm blogging as I go along - which is why the blog has concentrated on initialisation so far. It's early days - there's not much to see yet, but what there is works. I have deliberately not implemented anything more sophisticated than a simple sticky-bit test, because as I point out one of the key design goals for initialisation is to be faster than the original ROM whilst providing at least the same functionality (somewhat more, in fact). So I don't do a deeper address-line test, or even fully implement the Walking Bit test which is only partially used in the original ROM - the boot code isn't intended to be a full-blown diagnostic, just a simple verification that RAM appears to be working as expected, and some extra bells and whistles beyond the basic test logic in the original. As a result of that, and of very careful cycle-timing and algorithm choice, POST time in the new ROM is, worst-case, about 33% faster than the stock ROM.

I'm not sure what my Denial post history has to do with anything, though...? I didn't 'go public' for approbation or critique, but because someone here expressed an interest after I asked a hardware-related question. I'm not looking for acclaim from anyone - if it's of interest, great, and if not then I guess I'll be the only one reading the blog.

Now, I must concentrate - I'm just writing the skeleton of the IRQ handler and it's first task, a countdown TOD clock. 8)
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Post by matsondawson »

matsondawson wrote:Could do a Fortran Vic-20, I hear Fortran is pretty fast vs Basic.
Whoops sorry, I meant Forth.
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Post by rhurst »

Nicely written blog (for the rest of us) given your first-person insights in examining the intricacies. I did not see any mention of how you are going to test code, or perhaps you had in an earlier blog post? Are you making a ROM image to use in VICE xvic, with its SAVE FINAL for burning later?
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Post by FD22 »

Yep, precisely - earlier posts talk about how the code is generated and tested by telling XVIC to load the new ROM images instead of the Commodore ones.

SAVE FINAL is a proposed command for the new language, which performs a chunk of optimisation on the user code before saving it - those changes are non-reversible 'fixtures' to the body of the code, folding elements from the symbol table into the logic and dereferencing variables. The code becomes faster, but non-editable in its' high-level form (you could still edit the assembly, of course).
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Post by TLovskog »

Thanks for another blogpost. I really look forward to following this interesting project.
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Post by Witzo »

FD22 wrote:I wasn't sure whether what I'm doing would be of particular interest here, because it's something to do with the VIC-20, but only in the sense that the VIC is the basis for it.

Have a look, if you fancy it - I won't be upset if you don't think much of it. :)

I think highly of this. It seems to be a project to prove what can be got out of the hardware, and put in the original ROM space, when everything is maximized.
It will show off what was already possible in 1982, but maybe just not entirely achieved at the time.
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Post by FD22 »

Still working on VIC++. Had a few months off, back in the saddle again now.

Latest post talks about getting the 6502 undocumented opcode LAX Immediate (unstable, except for LAX #$00) working in DASM via a little macro. Just in case anyone's interested.
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Post by TLovskog »

Glad it is back. Actually have missed it. It is interresting and very good written, with a nice touch.
Thomas Lövskog
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