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Post by Mayhem »

Heya mate, good to see you over here... if you do write an emulator then it would be great to have something to compare against Vice. Especially with Gamebase20 running somewhat close to being finished for v0.2...
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Post by nbla000 »

Mayhem wrote:Heya mate, good to see you over here... if you do write an emulator then it would be great to have something to compare against Vice.
Emulator ? a new vic Emulator ? before that someone reinvent the wheel, why not a Flash or Java Emulator ?
We may include it here on Denial.... :D
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Post by gklinger »

On the Mac there is VICE and Power 20. It's unusual that we're spoiled for choice.
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Post by Overcast »

Hello All!

First off, I guess I'm stuck in the past, and still like the idea of the old computer scene. VIC20 was my first - present from Dad on Christmas, ehh - forget what year, I'm guessing 1982, maybe '83 - I know the C64 was already out - had just came out, Dad said "no way, that one is way too much" hehe. And the 128's weren't out yet, but heard some talk about them not too long after I got my VIC and maybe it was byte, but I had a couple magazines and there was an article about it...

Funny how certain things stick in your memory.

I was 'in competition' with the Apple crowd at school, I recall they cost more, and we didn't have the money for those 'fancy' machines... lol

Nor a game! I had a book or two, and input the code and ran them. Was almost a year before I finally (!!!!) got a tape drive for the VIC. Sad part was, about 3 months after that a mouse got into the VIC and chewed the keyboard wires apart. Well, Dad - I guess like my wife says, didn't think I could fix it - I guess he didn't want to see me disappointed - but I'd have none of that, against his wishes I snuck off with a roll of electrical tape, and well - it was usable again :) Dad was intrigued if not a little annoyed that I wouldn't listen to him.

Oh well, I could ramble for hours - as for my handle... Well, I got a job at the US EPA right after 9/11 (was a comforting feeling, lol) - and I was trying to come up with a forum name, as I hated the others I had - it was quite gloomy out (had a big window by my cube) and on top of being a bit odd and liking days like that - well 'Overcast' just stuck :)
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Post by »

Hello Everyone!

Long time lurker, first time poster!

Handle is fairly easy to figure out, it's my website.

A little bit about me, I'm Canadian - currently in my late 20's. My first computer back in the 1980's was a Commodore 64 - which sparked my interest in computers. Years later I got a free VIC-20, which also claimed hours of my youth (I don't regret it for a moment though!).

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Post by PaulQ »

Great to see some lurkers who are finally coming out and sharing their interest with the rest of us. I wish all lurkers would make at least one post to say, "Hi, I love the Vic 20, don't mind me if I lurk for a while." Or something to that effect. I lurk in many other message boards, so you're in good company, lurkers. :wink:
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Post by zutman »

Hi All,

Time for me to de-lurk: my name is zutman, 'zut' being dutch slang for boring stuff/garbage. Sounds a lot better than garbage man. It's nice to see on this forum that I am not the only one 'in denial'. :)

Dad bought me (and my brothers) a vic-20 when I was eleven, must be '81. From the VIC-20 I mostly remember playing games from tape, especially the tapes with illegally copied ROM images (Spiders from Mars, Titan, Radar Rat Race). This software we bought from the local software dealer, there was no swapping network back then. I didn't program much, saw a bit of that exotic 'machine language' but did not have the patience to program on tape, or have a good working assembler. This changed with the upgrade to C64 + 1541 two years later. A friend of mine showed me his ML tricks, and I became hooked. Wrote an extended basic command set for the C64, and dsitinctly remember biking 10 kilometers to the guy who had an EPROM burner to have my new cartridge burned. Years later arrived the Amiga.

Last year I learned about the development of the Ultimate 1541, a flash disk for your C64. it made me rediscover the C64 again, had to buy a 'new' C64 for it. But the VIC-20 always had survived, so I put all of onto the Ultimate 1541, and connected my old VIC-20 (yes, it had survived many years of negligence). I became fascinated with the VIC-20 in a way that I never was. The VIC-20 is far more fun to program, just because it is not so completely put to its limits as the C64 was. Also, the abilities of the C64 are known up to the most tiny quirks, for the VIC-20 this is not so. 5.5K makes you ponder about every byte, and I still want to try to get really some good sound out of it. :) Luckily, my current setup is not only a VIC-20 plus C2N anymore, but also a laptop with the ACME 6502 assembler, vi, makefiles, Vice, etcetera. Swapping compiled programs to the 1541 Ultimate is simple, so testing on real hardware is very rapid. Currently resulting in a simple directory browser, for use with 1541U or other IEC devices (tested on Vice). BTW: VIC-20's work with the 1541U, but you miss out on the very handy screen menus.

This software is currently only downloadable from the 1541 ultimate forum (you have to register, I'm currently working on my own VIC-20 site):

(Should I now make an announcement in 'new releases'?)

BTW: the Mega-Cart currently under development makes me very greedy: it's like the VIC-20 answer to the 1541U. Hope it is finished soon! : home of the FE3 Inspector
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Post by Jeff-20 »

Finally, more dutch! I really want to know more about the VIC in those parts of Europe. Welcome!
High Scores, Links, and Jeff's Basic Games page.
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Post by CrAlt »

Hello all.
Ive been lurking here a bit and decided to register.

I have my late grandfathers Vic that i unpacked and started playing with after i picked up 3 1541 drives at goodwill for $5 each. I found this site and it has sparked an interest in the machine.

When i was young I used to bang out BASIC programs all the time on my CoCo2. I also had a modem for it and got my username from a BBS. It took some letters from my 1st and last name and somehow came up with "CrAlt". Ive been using it ever since. I have a CoCo but disk drive setups are kinda hard to find compared to C= ones. For now the tandy will sit idle.

I want to get back in to basic programing and someday learn me some asm.
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Post by nbla000 »

CrAlt wrote:Hello all.
Ive been lurking here a bit and decided to register.
Welcome on Denial :D
Mega-Cart: the cartridge you plug in once and for all.
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Post by PaulQ »

Welcome, zutman and CrAlt. Sounds like some cool stuff you're working on, zutman. CrAlt, I believe Golan is our resident CoCo nut. :wink:
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Post by jokker »

Well I should also officially "de-lurk" myself since I've already posted before in another area...

my nick jokker comes from back in the BBS days when it was cool to add a second consonant to your alias to be extra cool :) I've been using it for just over 20 years now (whew long time when I sit to think about it)

I got a real VIC-20 given to me from a brother-in-law recently because of my already massive collection/interest in all things retro-console (NES, SNES, Atari etc etc etc). So suddenly I was playing around with it more and more and as many before me, searched out others about how to do more with it. Now I've also acquired a C64, 1541, 1702, C2N, and recently a 1541 ultimate. I've just started playing with BASIC initially, just poking around to wrap my head around the hardware. I'd like to move into ML at some point but as a good start I've started playing with CC65. I guess I'd like to write some funky little amusing apps and even maybe try my hand at demo coding since I have always enjoyed those in the past.

Historically I knew a couple of people with a C64 but I originally cut my teeth on a trash80 and later a CoCo3 as far as the 8-bit era goes.

...I can also see myself getting on that list for megacarts too :) because man those look sweeeeeeeeet.
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Post by nbla000 »

Welcome on Denial, please update your profile by adding your location too, is fun to know where are denial users from ?
jokker wrote:...I can also see myself getting on that list for megacarts too :) because man those look sweeeeeeeeet.
I confirm :wink:
Send a PM to 6502dude .
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Post by channelmaniac »


Time to introduce myself...

My name is Raymond and my nick comes from 2 places...

Channel refers to being a Channels SE (System Engineer in the Channels organization) where Channels is the reseller channel. I used to work with resellers up until Feb 08 when I went to work on a product team.

Maniac is simple. It refers to my driving style. :D I drive a Miata and have a Spec Miata project car in the garage. One day I'll finish it and take it out to the track. If you ever get in the car with me I'll ask you a question: "Do you want a normal ride or a spirited ride" and if you say spirited then hang on! I don't race on city streets but the Miata will take corners with an amazing amount of grip. :D

I like to collect old computers and repair them... I also have an online business where I sell chips all over the world to keep these old systems running. Yes, that means I tear down systems for parts but I try to do that to broken, nasty looking things.

If you need keyboards, case pieces, jacks, and other items besides the chips just ping me and I'll be happy to send it to you for cost of shipping if it will help keep your system running.

All my repair logs are kept out on the forums. Any time I repair an old computer, game console, or arcade game I'll post the info on that site. I hope the information I keep out there helps you keep your old systems running.
(I hope it's OK to put this link in here)

If you are around the Dallas Metromess then you've probably seen me at the First Saturday Sale (a.k.a. Sidewalk Sale)


Call me a cheap bastard... I learned to fix things to save money... even surface mount soldering...

Visit my website:
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Post by arthurguru »

It wasn't my choice!

I had an IT support job where they just wouldn't stop calling me "The Guru". Eventually they shortened it to arthurguru and it stuck.
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