German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

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Post by heaven6502 »

Charly... Jesus... So ugly gfx but I was proud to use multicol... ;) the whole screen gets reprinted etc...but I got 240 DM for it... Hehe... look at Pouet what happened afterwards while joining the scene ;) but now more an Atari800 guy. You can find me at and
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Post by NorthWay »

Seeing this thread got me wondering, have you secured the type-ins from the Norwegian magazine Mikrodata?
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Thread-revival!!!: After nearly 10 years I have taken up to typing in VIC-20-programs from old german magazines again. Actually I typed the first few in back in 2012 but lost interest and only typed in a few pages every few years. The programs are of earlier magazines from 1983/1984 and there were no automatic proof-readers back then and the PETSCII-characters and cursor-comands were printed as they appear on the screen, making it much more difficult to type these in and get the correct result. Add to that the poor quality of the print-outs when the magazines just started out.

I will re-start with "Compute Mit". Before this magazine was published from May, 1985 by Tronic Verlag it was actually a weekly, then bi-weekly publication by Roeske Verlag back in late 1984. They published 8 issues from week 37 to 44, then 3 more issues named 23 to 25. There were a lot more VIC-20-programs in these magazines than later, so expect about 4 programs per issue.

I will now post these as D64-images as this makes handling easier. I will add up to a D64-image until it is full and start a new image then. So, in the end you will have a few handy D64-files much like my earlier type-ins have been converted by the excellent VIC-20 Listings website, where you can also find all the other type-ins from german magazines I typed in from 2010 onwards as D64-files: ... mpmit.html

Let's start with

Issue of Week 37, 1984: ...

GOLDFINGER (+16K): A multi-screen game. First you need to go the house at the top left of the screen, you can use the street on the right (safe but long), go over the turtles, which may disappear though, in the middle of the screen or go straight near the guardhouse, but a guard may randomly appear and kill you. Then before you reach the house more guards may appear, but you can hide quickly under a tree (just walk into it). Once you reach the house you must choose a floor to go to, in most rooms there will be a safe with a random combination of 2 numbers for points. Usually on the last floor there will be a computer which leads to two more mini-games (Tron-lightcycle-clone and PacMan-clone). Once you solve this and have enough points you will get the Goldfinger and must return back to the first screen to get to the helicopter. Move your player with P,L,; and "."
The game sounds much better than it plays, a "classic" type-in. The listing for this was actually spread over three issues, the second part appeared in issue 38 (as mentioned in issue 37), but they missed a full part of the program and only just printed the final 3 pages in issue 44.

HOOP CATCH (+3K): A game for two players, taking turns. You need to catch the hoops coming down the screen with your joystick. The first player to get 10 points wins. A fun little game.

UEBERWEISUNGSPROGRAMM (+8K): A program to print out money-orders, just for completists.

VC-GUNNER (unexpanded): Shoot the slow, but dangerous Schwummies coming at you. Use Q and Z to move and F to fire.
Last edited by tokra on Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Week 38, 1984: ...

MONSTER (unexpanded): Catch the falling monsters using keys "," and "."

AMAZONAS (+16K): Throw stones at the birds above you but avoid the crocodiles at the bottom. Move with "," and "." and throw stone with left-arrow. Note that you can only throw up when your man looks direct at you. Avoid the falling stone coming down. Note: This program uses a large screen and probably only works on PAL.

DESTROBOLT (unexpanded): Shoot the aliens and avoid their spores which spawn new aliens. Move with "," and "." and shoot with left-arrow. Note: This program uses a large screen and probably only works on PAL.

HOT STONES (unexpanded): Avoid the rocks with your glider. Move with Z and B or joystick. Note: The included manual actually says to move with Z and C, but the code specifically checks for Z and B instead.

H-GRAFIK-E (unexpanded): Character-editor. Move with cursor, set with RETURN, delete with SPACE. Press F1 to show data. Other F-keys are more or less self-explanatory.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Week 39, 1984: ...

SCHIFFE-VERSENKEN (+24K): Play the classic Battleships on the VIC-20. Cancel any game with F1

TROPIC TROUBLE (unexpanded): Land your helicopter on the island to pick up stranded men. Then go up again to release the man into the jet cruising above. Drop you men using Z. Maneuver with P,L,"." and ";"

TEXAS (+16K): An economics-game. You are an oil-baron in Texas.

TANKBATTLE (unexpanded): Three different tank-games. Either for two players at day or night or against the computer. Move with joystick and W,A,D,X and S for Fire.

ABM (+16K): A Missile Command-clone in BASIC. Contains a freeze function. Joystick down freezes the game, F1 resumes. Restart with F3 after Game Over.
Last edited by tokra on Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Week 40, 1984: ...

COMETEN-FALLE (unexpanded): Shoot the incoming comets with F1, if you miss they come closer.

ZAHLEN-SENSO (unexpanded): "Shoot" the numbers coming from the right by matching them on the left. Press G to increase the number and F to fire. Interesting idea for a game.

DELTA RACE (unexpanded): Collect all points and avoid the "Deltas". Keep track of your fuel and avoid the mines -you can press fire to show these, but this will cost 10 fuel units.

KRANFUEHRER (unexpanded): You are a crane operator. Move your crane with W,A,D,X - press S to pick up the box when directly above it and place it on the platform to the right then press SPACE to let go of it.

THE PIT (+16K): Pick up the underground treasures. Move your man with Z,X,"." and / (strange layout) or use the joystick. Avoid falling blocks if you go beneath them, the bear, falling bricks in the cave and the bridge that is breaking once you step on it. The goal is to bring a large treasure from the cave to the top of the screen.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Week 41, 1984: ...

MOERDERJAGD (+8K): A game like Clue. You need to find a murderer by making suspicions.

BATTELSTAR (+3K): A simple PETSCII-shoot-em-up

TOP SECRET (+3K): Get the laser-canon, without hitting the ghost or the well you can only see for a short time at the start of the level.

JOYSTICK GRAFIK (+16K): A simple paint-program. You may not paint over the border or you can destroy the program itself. Apart from that fault the program has a nice feature where you can record your joystick-movements and play them back at another position.

VIER GEWINNT (unexpanded): A simple conversion of the game Connect Four.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Week 42, 1984: ...

JUMPING PAINTER (+16K): A Miner 2049er-clone. This one even has soft scrolling for the enemies. Very polished for a BASIC-game. Contains 8 levels.

KABOOM (+3K): A Kaboom-clone.

KNIFFEL (+16K): A (rather poor) conversion of Yahtzee for the VIC.

LIGHT-PEN (unexpanded): A demonstration program on how to use a lightpen. As most this does not calibrate the lightpen to the screen, so results will vary.

GOLD DER GEISTER (unexpanded): Collect the gold by moving with IJKM. You must also move to two corners within one minute, then the game ends.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Week 43, 1984: ...

HAUNTED CASTLE (+16K): PETSCII-graphics-adventure. Free princess from castle. (German) verbs to use are:
Also handy are INVENTORY and POSITION (which will show the room-number and if its dark items lying around)

TRON (unexpanded): Classic lightcycle-game. Use WASZ.

PROGRAMMVERWALTUNG (unexpanded): A small database program to organize your program-tapes.

BUNDESLIGA-TABELLE (+3K): Create a ranking-table for the Bundesliga (Season 1984/85)

TANK DUEL (+8K): Try to hit the other player's tank by entering speed (100-600) and angle (1-70) of your bullet.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Week 44, 1984: ...

PAC-MAID (unexpanded): A PacMan-clone with only one ghost.

VENOVIA (+16K): Find out a codeword by visiting the houses and collect 8 golden coins. Slay a dragon three times and you are nearly finished. A poor and childish game.

GRAPHOLOGIE (+16K): Four different word-finding games. Should come with redefined chars, but that part was not printed in the magazine. Works as it is, though. It uses double-height chars and so I just copied the originals from ROM instead.

SUPER-RALLYE (+16K): Your basic car-racing game. The main-part is in machine-code, but it has been (needlessly) expanded by a manual and a high-score ranking (saveable to tape, but not working correctly as is - would be a small fix but I left it original).
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by Soloman »

My computer refuses to download the zip, because of the firewall.
But there is an archive of this magazine: ... ute+mit%22
Very nice. But I understand that most members here don't talk German.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by srowe »

Richard has this magazine series in his Listings Archive ... mpmit.html

But there are a couple of programs not there (GRAPHOLOGIE and SUPER-RALLYE?). Perhaps you could send them to him to include?
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Yes, I send my updates to Richard regularly. But, downloading a zip-file should usually not trigger a firewall. Unless you are in a business-enviorenment with very strict restrictions.
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Re: German Magazine - Type-Ins - Compute Mit

Post by tokra »

Issue of Double-Week 23, 1984: ...

CAVE-LANDER (+3K): Move your helicopter safely through some caves.

BUERO-TISCH (+8K): Organize your addresses and print labels. First program is for entry, second for output. Just for completists.

IRRGATEN-3D (+8K): Labyrinth-game with a 3D-view. Create mazes from 5x5 to 20x20

KARL DER KAEFER (+3K): A Lady Bug-clone
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