I'm trying to port a game I made for the VIC20+3K to a VIC20+16K. However, I can't figure out how to let the linker generate a program that fits the memory layout of the VIC20+16k.
I put together a small repo explaining the problem I have...
Here's the README:
CC65 ld65 configurations for the VIC20+16K
I'm trying to figure out how to create a VIC20 program with ca65 that can run on a VIC20 + 16K expansion.
The memory layout would be something like:
Code: Select all
0x2000: PROGRAM
The program
Just a simple 'Hello' program....
I'm using 2 segments here BASIC and CODE.
Code: Select all
.segment "BASIC"
.word load
load: .word @end
.word 2020
.byte $9e
.byte .lobyte(main/1000 .mod 10) + $30
.byte .lobyte(main/100 .mod 10) + $30
.byte .lobyte(main/10 .mod 10) + $30
.byte .lobyte(main/1 .mod 10) + $30
.byte 0
@end: .word 0
.segment "CODE"
main: ldx #0
: lda text,x
beq end
jsr $ffd2
bcc :-
end: rts
.asciiz "HELLO"
Code: Select all
ca65 -I. --cpu 6502 main.s
Code: Select all
STARTADDRESS: default = $11FF;
ZP: start = $0000, size = $0100, type = rw;
RAM0: start = $0400, size = $0C00, type = rw;
RAM: start = $11FF, size = $0E00, type = rw;
RAM1: start = $2000, size = $4000, type = rw;
ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp, optional = yes;
BASIC: load = RAM, type = rw, optional = no ;
CODE: load = RAM, type = rw, optional = yes;
DATA: load = RAM, type = rw, optional = yes;
BSS: load = RAM, type = bss, optional = yes;
Code: Select all
ld65 -Ln hello-1.lbl -m hello-1.map -C vic20-16k-asm-1.cfg -o hello-1.prg main.o
Code: Select all
00000000: 0112 0b12 e407 9e34 3632 3100 0000 a200 .......4621.....
00000010: bd1c 12f0 0720 d2ff e818 90f4 6048 454c ..... ......`HEL
00000020: 4c4f 00 LO.
Code: Select all
STARTADDRESS: default = $11FF;
ZP: start = $0000, size = $0100, type = rw;
RAM0: start = $0400, size = $0C00, type = rw;
RAM: start = $11FF, size = $0E00, type = rw;
RAM1: start = $2000, size = $4000, type = rw;
ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp, optional = yes;
BASIC: load = RAM, type = rw, optional = no ;
CODE: load = RAM1, type = rw, optional = yes;
DATA: load = RAM1, type = rw, optional = yes;
BSS: load = RAM1, type = bss, optional = yes;
Code: Select all
ld65 -Ln hello-2.lbl -m hello-2.map -C vic20-16k-asm-2.cfg -o hello-2.prg main.o
Code: Select all
00000000: 0112 0b12 e407 9e38 3139 3200 0000 a200 .......8192.....
00000010: bd0f 20f0 0720 d2ff e818 90f4 6048 454c .. .. ......`HEL
00000020: 4c4f 00 LO.
Code: Select all
00000000: 0112 0b12 e407 9e38 3139 3200 0000 0000
00000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
xxxxxxxx: a200 bd0f 20f0 0720 d2ff e818 90f4 454c <<-- Pointing at 0x02000
Why is this not the case and how do I solve this?
Thank you! Johan