funkheld wrote: ↑Tue Sep 10, 2019 8:35 am
a nice vforth
why are the graphics-screen so small please?
How can you make it big, please?
I was trying to have a versatile system that allowed variable sized screens. That's probably not that useful in real life.
I'm planning to replace the graphics subsystem entirely but started looking at doing a 40 x 24 text display instead.
is there a new version of vforth from 2019?
I actually built a new version at the weekend, there are only a few bug fixes though.
I've been busy with another project for a year (which I've just finished) so I should get back to VForth. Let me know other improvements you would like to see.
with this basicroutine I have the normal screen.
if you can do it that way you're already in graphics mode.
the start of the program must start at least at address 8192
I use the VICE with 28kb. this adresse begin the : 4352........
10 gosub 10000
20 for a=0 to 1000
30 poke 4352+a,129
40 next a
50 poke198,0:wait198,1:sys678
10000 rem Grafik
10030 for i=4352 to 8047 : poke i,0 : next
10040 poke 36867,151 : poke 36866,21 : poke 36869,204
10050 poke 36864,14
10060 for i=16 to 255 : poke 4096+i-16,i : poke 37888+i-16,6 : next i
10070 return
no the display with 40 x 24 !
then VIC20 has no 40 x 24.
hello, so now I can already draw as above the bytes.
the starting address of the screen is 4352.
vocabulary grafik immediate
grafik definitions
: grafikscr
8047 4352 do 0 i c! loop
151 36867 c! 21 36866 c! 204 36869 c! 14 36864 c!
255 16 do i i 4096 16 - + c! loop
255 16 do 6 i 37888 16 - + c! loop ;
can you for the address: 4352 please once implement your plot:
: plot ( n x y -- )
over swap byteof current-mode @ .charbase + @ + >r r@ c@
>r maskfor r> and or r> c! ;
Wow, you look like a v-forth enthusiast . I cannot help you, but please, next time put all your questions and considerations in one single post, in order to simplify reading.
funkheld wrote: ↑Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:11 pmno the display with 40 x 24 !
then VIC20 has no 40 x 24.
It has no text mode that would give 40 x 24 but it is possible to use a 20 x 12 double height configuration and define a 4 x 8 pixel character set. There's a lot of work to make this behave correctly in the line editor.
funkheld wrote: ↑Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:53 am
is there in Vforth also "Forward".
You write a routine that is not filled yet and can then be addressed by another routine.
No, the compiler has nowhere to store forward references to words not yet defined.
Also an INLINE would be nice.
Do you mean a way to expand the definition of a word within a definition rather than linking to it? That sort of goes against the concept of a Threaded Interpretive Language.
funkheld wrote: ↑Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:28 am
can you please explain to me what exactly in VFORTH.PRG and
VFORTH.COM is inside.
VFORTH.PRG is a standard binary program that loads at $2000 (8192) and takes up 8K of RAM. So you need 16K or more to run it. VFORTH.ROM is an image that can run at $A0000, a cartridge image, and can handle the memory being read-only.